Octopus Energy Trusted Partner Status

By: Adam

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We're thrilled to announce that after a rigorous audit process, we are now officially an Octopus Energy Trusted Partner

Octopus Energy Trusted Partner Status

What is an Octopus Trusted Partner?

Octopus Energy work to very high standards and to work with them we needed to prove our commitment to customer service, our professional credentials, certifications and insurance details. Details like this have always been important to us and so we were able to quickly provide all the evidence that Octopus Energy required to bestow Trusted Partner Status upon us.

Being a trusted partner allows us to install Solar Panels and ancillary equipment such as battery storage, along with heat pumps. We plan to include EV Charge Points in the near future.

What are the Customer Benefits?

Octopus Energy is a very well respected and trusted energy provider offering some of the most competitive energy prices in the UK, but Octopus is much more than an energy provider - it's one of Europe's largest investors in renewables, managing wind and solar farms across 7 countries.

The benefits of Generate Solar EV being an Octopus Trusted Partner include...

Want to save up to 80% on your energy bills? Contact us for a quote and make the switch to solar panels today...

Thanks to our partnership, you can enjoy a £50 credit when you switch to Octopus using the link below - credited after your first Direct Debit payment:

Start by making the switch to Octopus Energy...

UK Octopus Energy Trusted Partner Status

Get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team...

0115 783 6409 | 07970 050 563 | 07841 022 860

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